We are preparing the best offer for you,
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Vážení zákazníci,
rádi bychom Vás ujistili, že všechna naše vozidla jsou pro Vás zcela bezpečná. Připravujeme je do provozu s nejvyšší možnou péčí a s dodržením nejpřísnějších hygienických pravidel.
Dear Customer,
We want to assure you that all of our vehicles are completely safe for you. We have tightened the cleaning of our vehicles. We prepare them with the utmost care and with the strictest hygienic rules. We clean our vehicles with effective disinfectants.
Parking building C Aviatická 1082/10, 161 00 Prague 6 - Ruzyně Open every day incl. holidays 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. | Phone: +420 775 50 55 50 E-mail: airport@rentplus.cz extend, changes, questions |
Revoluční 1044/23, 110 00 Prague 1 - Old Town Open every day incl. holidays 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. | Phone: +420 603 44 22 44 E-mail: downtown@rentplus.cz extend, changes, questions |
Brno-Tuřany Airport, 627 00 Brno Open every day incl. holidays by reservations | Phone: +420 722 80 20 40 E-mail: brno@rentplus.cz extend, changes, questions |
Phone: +420 775 50 55 50 (Mo – Fr 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.) - reservations, offers Phone: +420 603 22 22 99 (NON-STOP) - only for assistance in the case of failure or accident |
info@rentplus.cz www.rentplus.cz |